According to the UN Report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the world, 60 million more people are hungry today then there were five years ago. Three billion men, women and children cannot afford enough healthy food to eat and now the global pandemic has threatened the right to food for so many people.

We caught up with one of our beneficiaries, Serah (40yrs) who is a member of Tethya Musyi VSL from Nguumo ward, Muuni sublocation Kabarani village. She joined the CA project in March 2020 after Fadhili started a food security project beginning of 2020. The sole purpose of this project is to mitigate the challenges of drought in dry areas through using conservation agriculture. This is an intervention that lays emphasis on minimum tillage, increased soil cover and crop rotation.

Serah was facing a few frustrations with regards to agriculture production before joining the project. She experienced low yield due and environmental de-gradation to lack of knowledge of good agricultural practices due to no agricultural officers’ intervention. Another factor was poor rainfall as she resides in a semi-arid region. After joining the project, she learnt ways of helping her increase her yields which ensured she has enough food and the eat required number of meals a day. She also gained the knowledge needed for good agricultural practices that helps her on improving soil fertility in her farm which in turn reduces the cost of farm inputs especially agro-chemicals.

Serah and her husband appreciating CA farming including intercropping and mulching principles

Having the fear of contracting COVID- 19 through social interactions and gatherings, the groups had to reduce their attendance in farmers trainings due to interruptions from Covid related issues and government containment directives. Schools closure also forced some parents to attend to their parental household roles and responsibilities hence missing training sessions. “Since some participants lost their jobs and casual labor, they had to look for alternative ways of getting income hence reduced participation.’’ notes Serah.

The primary purpose of Fadhili is to provide simple savings and loans facilities in and by the communities that do not have access to formal financial services. By working with us, Serah has benefited through phone calls and messages, farm visits and follow ups advice and due to the pandemic, she has had few farmers meetings and being trained. The organization has also provided buckets, hand washing soap and face mask to the project protect the farmers. We achieve this by ensuring and complying with social gathering activities government directives on Covid 19