Year: 2024

Year: 2024


“My name is Rev. Benjamin Mutia, Pastor, Authentic Reconciliation Church (ARC) in Mbui Nzau. I and my team were part of the first cohort trained on Community and Church Transformation (CCT) by Fadhili Trust. Before the training, many people never understood the relationship between them and God, Man and Environment, Man and Others and Man and himself. The teachings have been significant to Christians of ARC and the community at large as I have cascaded the teachings acquired to the entire congregation and most of us are now putting the lessons into practice including new methods on Conservation Agriculture (CA),” says the euphoric Pastor.

On extreme left: Ms. Loice’s new house built for her by the church fuelled by the CCT training

Through the church leadership, the Authentic Reconciliation Church has been able to put into practice lessons acquired from the training, which pretty much have acted as positive triggers for execution of their plans. The leadership had previously identified a widow who was in dire need of shelter but actualisation of the construction had taken a little longer. This was after the church saw the deplorable condition of the house that Loice and her six grand-children were living in, a mud house that was at the brink of collapsing. Immediately after completion of the training, Pastor Benjamin mobilised church members, who volunteered to do construction of the house, some materials like bricks were locally made while others like cement, sand, roofing sheets, roofing nails, window panes, door and paints amongst others were bought from church’s contributions. Eventually, a three roomed house was put up for Ms. Loice, a 70-year-old, a widow, who at the time, wasn’t an active church member. Upon completion, a dedication service of the house was held, attended by both church and community members, subsequently handed over to Ms. Loice.

Such acts of kindness, that promote the four key relationships, are activities that ARC church wants to fully implement to meet the needs of not just their church members but also needy community members who do not fellowship at ARC. This act of love and service has seen more souls being won to Christ and the church has since received new additional members, making the church’s population grow from 80 to 101 church members. Equally, the church leadership has encouraged community members to keep growing trees in their homesteads to contribute in efforts to curb effects of climate change. Members are also embracing Climate Smart Agriculture farming methods which are promoting their farm produce thereby leading to dietary diversification, increased food security and some sell the extra food to earn an income to support other activities like education.

“My name is Loice; I live with six of my relatives’ grandchildren, who all solely depend on me so I have to do menial jobs, get an income and sustain ourselves. One day, my church Pastor paid me a visit and shared some good news that the church had plans to put up a house for me, something that took me by surprise. In my old ramshackle house, I once fell down and broke my arm during one of the rainy seasons. I could squeeze in this mud house with my grandchildren that had no privacy, snakes would sneak in, we dreaded the rainy season as it thoroughly leaked and we fell ill due to excess cold. I missed attending church service for close to four Sundays and a few church members came by to find out why an avid church goer had been missing out from church. I told them what had barred me from attending church services. I never knew that a standard brick-modern house with a bathroom inside was in the offing for me, thanks to the paid visit. This was amongst the least of things I was hoping would ever happen in my life, God really loves me” says Loice, as tears well up her eyes and spill over her cheeks.

Loice says most of the population of Kya Aka village are poor widows who do not own land yet some pastors do not have the revelation that they should spread the gospel through expressed devotion by also putting up shelters or supporting their church members materially according to their capability. She remembers once challenging a certain pastor to support a needy member of his church by putting up a house for a widow but he was quick to say he is not her husband. Ms. Loice is challenged by the tangible love received as evidenced in James 2:26; Faith without works is dead. She believes her dedication in serving God has earned her a home and a reward from God through men. Ms. Loice is calling on other pastors to emulate what ARC has done for her, as it draws more people to God and to serving God.

The Church and Community Transformation (CCT) programme implemented by Fadhili Trust in partnership with Tear Fund Cananda, mobilizes the church, empowers it through capacity building trainings and triggers it to move into the community and deliver holistic ministries to its community by actively practicing their beliefs in tangible ways, engaging and empowering their communities to utilize local and God given resources to solve their own problems and alleviate poverty. The programme motivates and assists local churches to address the needs of their communities through practical and sustainable actions by using locally available resources, a concept that has been positively embraced by churches and communities and is transforming lives in Makueni County.


Joyce Ndinda Kivuva is a 64-year-old mother of Seven, three girls, four boys and 11 grandchildren. She is a member of Mwangaza Group in Matua West, Mikuyuni sub-location of Makueni County. The group was established in March 2024 and has a membership of 25 people; two men, three youth and 20 women. This was after Fadhili Trust sensitized them on the importance of joining a Village Savings and Loans (VSL) group as a tool for fostering economic growth, social cohesion and resilience amongst members. Most group members defected from other merry-go round groups to join the Village Savings and Loans (VSL) group as they experienced zero growth. Over the six-months of their existence, the group has gained different skills and knowledge from Fadhili Trust including Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Gender Based Violence, Environment and Village Savings and Loans (VSL).

Prior to joining Mwangaza Group in March 2024, Joyce practiced farming of maize, sorghum and cassava at small scale but due to erratic rainfall patterns, there were times she would get good yields but at times very minimal harvest, and these seasons were recurrent. Such times, she fully depended on the husband and she could feel the burden was too much for him as they also have children that they are educating. It is then that she made a decision to join Mwangaza Group where she made savings for one month and qualified to borrow Kshs.3000 from her shares.  In a bid to get pre-occupied, she chose to give kitchen garden a try, where she bought three types of vegetable seedlings; Okra, ‘Sukuma Wiki’ and Spinach, all at Kshs.350. She paid a casual to dig two sunken basins at her garden at Kshs.500 in addition to the already five sunken basins that she had dug on her own. With the balance, she bought a few household utilities and managed to pay up for her shares in the VSL group. Joyce managed to repay the Kshs.3,000 and borrowed Kshs.10,000.

Ms. Joyce Ndinda with her brood of hens that she bought with her VSL loan

With the Kshs.10,000, Joyce ventured into poultry business where she bought 30-one day old improved chicks at Kshs.105 each, a total of Kshs.3,150, Kshs.2,700 she bought a healthful starter feed for the chicks and Kshs.1,000 she bought four doses of medicated feed additive concentrated with vitamin formulation that is blended to boost growth in chicks. Part of the remaining balance she added to her shares in the VSL group and bought additional vitamin formulation for the subsequent months. At two and a half months of rearing the chicks, Joyce has been able to sell off at once 28 chicks out of the 30 chicks bought, each at Kshs.400, a total of Ksh.11,200, having bought them at Kshs.2,940. She now plans to buy another batch of 50 chicks as she has seen and experienced good profit margins in her poultry business.

She reckons that she never envisioned herself handling a vast amount of money within the six months of being a member of Mwangaza group from the sales of hens and is indebted to Fadhili Trust team for posing the challenge and gradually eradicating financial illiteracy. Additionally, she realizes profit from sales coming from her small kitchen garden apart from it providing improved dietary options for her family. Group members are also growing indigenous tree species in a bid to embrace agroforestry. The financial empowerment and skills gained on different aspects give her a good standing within the community as she is also able to challenge other women to contribute meaningfully to family growth and actualize their financial independence.

Ms. Joyce Ndinda at her kitchen garden where she makes considerable sales

In partnership with Tear Fund Canada and Canadian Food Grain Bank (CFGB), Fadhili Trust through its Nature+ project is seeing to it that it actualizes the Theory of Change which suggests that economic assets, stronger family relationships, and effective social networks through peer groups such as VSL, builds resilience capacities, and this is based on growing evidence amongst community members within Mikuyuni sub-location. The Nature+ VSL project component has seen unexpected positive outcomes that members testify to making friends, building confidence, raising self esteem, and learning to appreciate people’s behavior. Additionally, women appreciated the model for bringing development which has helped foster family cohesion and reduce their dependence on their husbands, which was a main cause of gender-based violence in many homes.



“On the same piece of land where I wanted to put up a livestock shed, I changed it to accommodate a kitchen garden. This was after the land had stayed idle for sometime due to insufficient funds to enable its construction. After the training on Climate Smart Agriculture by Fadhili Trust’s Agriculture Extension Officer and hearing of its gains, I developed an interest and decided to start planting ‘sukuma wiki”, spinach, cabbage, pepper, and onions. The very initial harvest saw me make sales worth Kshs.350. Currently, I make up to Kshs.450 on a daily basis from my farm produce. Upon successful establishment of kitchen garden, I extended to the nearby farm and started growing tomatoes using the planting basin water harvesting techniques trained by the officer and it is working well in water conservation recalls Susan Kanini Kisangau from Kivwauni village, a member of Wendo wa Kivwauni Village Savings and Loaning Association(VSLA)

Susan Kanini at her vast kitchen garden, plucking tomatoes to go sell

Fadili Trust, in partnership with Tearfund Canada, Canadian Food Grain Bank (CFGB) and the Government of Canada (GAC), is implementing a 4-year Nature+ project in Kibwezi West sub-county of Makueni County. The program’s objective is to execute a gender-responsive, context appropriate nature-based solutions that contribute to climate resilience, livelihood enhancement and land restoration.

Susan Kanini, a 60-year-old lady, married to John Kisangau Musyoka has five children; three girls, two boys and are blessed with eight grand-children. Ms. Kanini says life before coming into contact with Fadhili Trust was full of constant struggles with regular visits to shopping centers for household vegetables, immediately after training sessions on VSL and Climate Smart Agriculture, she says she looks forward to living each day with a lot of enthusiasm as she is sure of engaging in productive activities. Prior to venturing into full time farming courtesy of trainings conducted by Fadhili Trust, she was practicing chicken rearing but the feeds became extremely costly and could not keep up with the cost. She also tried fish farming and water became a challenge, making it unsustainable.

“If all group members adhere to the weekly lessons taught by Fadhili Trust, we’ll all become a food secure village, ward and even sub-county,” says Ms. Kanini. She continues to say, “Because of the erratic rainfall experienced in our geographical area, most of us were reluctant to practice farming even at small-scale level, but with the training on ways of farming that conserve natural resources like soil and water resulting in improved and sustainable production, members have fully embraced farming. We have even become Trainer of Trainers (Tots) at out own basic level where we teach other community members who are not part of our VSL group on matters Climate Smart Agriculture by showing them methods of water retention in the soil where we use minimal water, crops association, mulching and minimum soil disturbance,” adds Ms. Kanini with a warm, happy smile that spreads across her face, lighting up her eyes with a twinkle of evidently genuine joy.

Ms. Kanini says as opposed to other organisations that would come, train them and go their way not caring whether the concept was grasped or not, Fadhili Trust’s strategy is different, practical and more sustainable. They walk with group members until one is able to successfully internalize and correctly put into practice lessons learnt, an approach the organisation has gained a buy-in with the community in their areas of operation. On a weekly basis, on average, Kanini harvests and sells seven crates of tomatoes. Currently, when the season is low, she sells a crate at Ksh.1,500, a total of Kshs.10,500 weekly. When the demand for tomatoes increases, she hopes to be selling them at Ksh.3,000 per crate, which will translate to Kshs.21,000 per week.

As an all-inclusive approach, in the Nature+ project, Fadhili Trust is deliberately incorporating Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) into the VSLA groups, thereby helping communities achieve more sustainable and prosperous future, balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship.

In Kivwauni VSLA Group, women are now setting aside bigger portions of land for the practice of kitchen garden as they have now embraced it as an alternative source of income, where they are now able to unburden their husbands from some provision roles by meaningfully contributing to the daily food basket in their homes. From the proceeds, she has even chipped in in paying her grand-children’s school fees. They have also learnt to diversify planting of different vegetables species like cabbage, tomatoes, ‘sukuma wiki’, spinach and capsicum., unlike in the past where they only planted one type of food crop, aiding in preventing diet related illnesses.

On Loaning and Savings, members meet up every Wednesday where they buy shares, each share costs 50 shillings and the maximum are five shares per sitting worth 250 Kenya Shillings. Fadhili has come up with a model which literally get members out of poverty and into financial independence by making them believe that they can start small with whatever amount they have, borrow the same money at minimal interest rate and with time, grow their share base. The group believes that they will one day in the near future purchase land as a group and for individuals.

Ms.Kanini at Kibwezi market selling her harvested tomatoes to a client.

“Personally, I would highly advice farmers both in small scale and large-scale farming to practice conservation agriculture. From experience, crops get to grow faster as water is conserved using  water conservation technologies like zai pits, planting basins and hand furrows. These methods incorporated with mulching and application of organic manure improve soil fertility and structure, thus, production is higher,” Ms.Kanini interjects, evidently having become a CSA ambassador.

Susan says her only major challenge currently is water as she solely depends on rain water. Even though she has plastic water tanks in her home, they are still not sufficient to maximally support her in farming as well as for domestic use and she requests if Fadhili Trust could do piping to a nearby kiosk to help community members to at least practice subsistence farming and for her to also upgrade into large scale farming. Equally, Susan has planted a number of trees and desires to plant more trees with availability of water in a bid to combat desertification even at a small degree. She has also started putting up tree nurseries of up to 10,000 tree seedlings which will also boost her income whenever she sells them out.


A happy Brian Ouma seated at Fadhili Trust compound

Through Fadhili Trust’s Watoto Wetu program, Brian Ouma, a 20- year old student in Form Four at a National school in Nairobi County is slowly nearing the realization of his dream of becoming a Civil Engineer. This is after Fadhili Trust identified an education need, sponsored his education from pre-primary, to primary and now he is in his last year of his secondary school education.

“I lost my father when I was only Five years old. My mother, who was and still is a cobler struggled to meet a seven-member family’s basic needs. Over the years, Fadhili Trust has become like our parents since all my siblings have either been sponsored or are being sponsored by the organisation. The organisation caters for our house rent, school fees, transport to school and even school pocket money and we are forever indebted,” says Brian, with his face beaming with joy.

Initially, Brian and his family lived in a one-roomed house in Kware slums of Ongata Rongai. Later on, the family had to be relocated to a three-roomed house since the mother was ailing from a lung disease and the children were more susceptible to infection. Most times, the eight (8) year old Brian at that time, went to school on an empty stomach and could not concentrate in class. Hunger made him stay out of class and truancy became his order of the day. He ganged up with three of his friends and resorted to stealing scrap metals, sell and buy food for themselves. He ran away from home, became a street-boy and could steal from established garages and break into shops. One day, they dared to sneak into a police station to steal scrap metals that were to be police exhibit, unfortunately, they were arrested and put into police custody, where Brian managed to escape. This was the day he considers his turning point. On his way out of the police station’s gate, Brian bumped into his mother who bundled him on her back, took him home to freshen up and later that day, walked up to Fadhili Trust office to seek for education assistance.

With his eyes welling up with tears, Brians interjects, “Trully, I was becoming wayward and the moment Ms.Josephine of Fadhili Trust suggested a primary boarding school in Kitengela, I was excited about it. At least I was assured of three meals and shelter everyday and chances of relapsing back to the streets were slimmer. My elder brother took me for an interview. Unfortunately, I performed dismally and was taken back to pre-primary, four classes behind. I scored 14 Marks out of the possible 500 marks. My class-teacher saw my potential while in Class One and focused on making me understand the subjects. I had an exemplary performance in Class One that the school made me skip a Class and joined Class Three. I kept performing outstandingly well and maintained an upward trajectory until I sat for my Kenya Certificate of  Primary Education (KCPE), where I emerged the top candidate in the school with 371 out of 500 marks,” he says with a radiant smile, lighting up his entire face with warmth and joy.

Brian, currently a Kenya Certificate of Secondary School (KCSE) candidate aspires to be a Civil Engineer. He has over the four years of secondary education maintained an outstanding performance of  between mean grade A- and C+ and even better grades in Mathematics, Physics and Geography. “School holidays are some of my dreaded days because am certain of going without food for days, the more reason I go looking for casual jobs to help ease my mother’s burden of providing food for us. On a good week, I used to make Kshs.2400, I give my mother Kshs.2000 and keep Kshs.400 for my use. However, now that I am a candidate, am forced to forego the casual jobs, stay at home to study and maximise the daylight, since we do not have power at night in our home, of which many days my siblings and I go to bed completely hungry. I am optimistic that I will perform well as I am putting the necessary effort towards it and achieve my goal of becoming an engineer, ultimately making myself, family and Fadhili Trust happy of my achievements,” adds Brian.

It costs KES 85,000 (USD 700) per year to sponsor a child like Brian to access secondary school education. Help us bring a lasting change to children and their families.